フランスの労働市場を担当しているIndeed Hiring LabのEconomist。以前は、フランスの著名な独立系研究所でデジタル経済ポートフォリオを担当し、フランスの競争力や労働市場改革、欧州統合など複数の政策問題に取り組んでいたほか、投資銀行やコンサルティング、行政での業務実績を有する。国立統計経済行政学院(ENSAE ParisTech)でファイナンスと経済学を専攻・学位取得。
Alexandre Judes is an Economist at the Indeed Hiring Lab with a focus on France. Prior to joining Indeed, he worked at a prominent French independent institute, where he was in charge of the digital economy portfolio and worked on multiple policy issues such as French competitiveness, labor market reform and European integration. His past engagements also include various stints in investment banking, consulting and public administration. He graduated in finance and economics from ENSAE ParisTech.