Guillermo Gallacher
欧州の労働市場を担当している Indeed Hiring LabのEconomist。以前は、マニトバ大学(カナダ)の助教授、Accentureのリサーチマネジャーなど、さまざまな職種での業務を経験。CEMA大学(アルゼンチン)で経済学の学士号、ワシントン大学シアトル校(米国)で経済学の博士号を取得。
Guillermo is an economist at the Hiring Lab with a focus on European labor markets. He previously worked as an Assistant Professor at the University of Manitoba (Canada) and a Research Manager at Accenture, among other positions. He has a BA in Economics from Universidad del CEMA (Argentina) and a PhD in Economics from the University of Washington-Seattle (USA).